Tuesday, 18 September 2007

Valenciennes Provincial Parliament Round-Up

The Provincial Parliament is back in session following the vote of confidence that allows me to sit as the First Minister.

Our first order of business has been for a constitutional ammendment to be made to allow for the First Minister to gain executive control of the Provincial Parliament, thus negating the need for a separate Governor to be elected. Furthermore the ammendment removes the upper term limit for a First Minister. The result of this is that as long as a First Minister has a public mandate, they may continue in there role. This was passed unanimously.

The second order of business has been for the previous two acts passed by the last administration to be repealed so that a fresh start may be achieved. This was passed with a 75% majority with one voter choosing to abstain.

Later this week I will be looking to make appointments to the Provincial Executive. In addition a budget will be requested from the Imperial Parliament so that the Provincial Executive may announce its spending for the year.

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